
Jane Lister 7th June 2017

Thank you to all who made the fun day a great success. Thanks to Councillor David Graham for opening the even. To all the stall holders , The Police , To Miss Cranfield Minister for Methilhill Church for the use of the Church hall. To Jamie Callahan reporter for East Fife Mail for his article advertising my event. To all shop owners and individual people for their generous donation of gifts to raffle and auction. To East Fife f.c. for the donation of a signed football strip. To Rangers f.c. for the signed poster. To Celtic f.c. for the tour for 4 of their park also for 2 tickets to a game. To The Cast of Mrs Brown's Boys for their signed poster. The Deer Centre voucher for 2 adults and 4 children to gain free entry. To Rothes Hall for 2 tickets to The Tiger That Came To Tea. To Stage coach for Central Fife Megarider weekly ticket. To Damaged Ink, Inkdealers, Yobori ink for their money off vouchers. Marlese Coull , Emma's Eats And Treats, Annie Jo's Cakes. For voucher off cakes. To The Crazy Cake Lady , Kelly Davidson for their donation of cakes. To Glendale Nursery for their donation of flowers. To Jimmy Watson who played for my dads football team Cameron Boys Club for handing me a jar of money which I will continue to fill before I smash it open.Without everyone's kind donations the event would not raise the money it has. There is still money to be added to this account which I will do once I go to the bank to put it in as its cash that's been given for auction items and my local bank closed last week and the nearest is Glenrothes . I am so happy I exceeded my target on both events .Until next year I will have a few months rest before I start organising in January . I hope I have Thanked everyone.


Raised for the event: Beezy Walker Memorial Family Fun Day